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Technology & Cell Phone Policy

Technology & Cell Phone Policy

Upon entering the school building cell phones/technology shall be turned off and placed in the student's backpack. Cell phones/technology is not allowed to be kept on one’s person during the school day. Cell phones/technology is not allowed in the hallway, cafeteria, locker room, or bathroom during the instructional day.

  • The use of technology, such as cell phones, earbuds, laptops, IPads, Apple watches, and headphones are not allowed during the instructional day without teacher permission.
  • Cell phones/technology will be allowed for classroom instruction only. The teacher will identify when and how it will be used.
  • Students may not listen to personal music during class, in the hallways or in the cafeteria.
  • If a teacher has not allowed the use of the cellphone/technology, it must remain in the student’s backpack. Not following the policy will result in the cell phone/technology being picked up by a teacher, AP, counselor, or other Smith staff member. Students will not be issued a warning prior to a cell phone being picked up.

If a student refuses to turn in their phone when requested by a Smith staff member, an administrator will be called to the classroom to remove the student, the student will be placed in DMC for the remainder of the day. Refusal to cooperate with staff will escalate an incident to a Level III violation – Refusing to comply with reasonable requests of school personnel (CC-23)

Remember: No devices may be used at any time unless it is teacher directed during a lesson.

When a student has been found in violation of the cell phone/technology policy, the staff member who witnessed the violation shall pick the device up from the student immediately. The staff member will turn the device into the Assistant Principal’s secretary with the name of the student whose phone it is and complete a referral in Educators Handbook. If the staff member is one of the student’s teachers, he or she will call home to inform the parent of the violation and the referral. If the staff member does not teach the student, the grade level AP or counselor will contact the parent.